Welcome to The Speak On More Stages Podcast!
Aug. 7, 2023

Speaking up on Social with Angela Jackson

Speaking up on Social with Angela Jackson

What happens when you lose your job in a 2 sentence email?

For Angela Jackson, one email changed her life when she turned a setback into an opportunity to pivot and thrive as a business and sales coach.

From the power of sharing her unique story, mission, and solutions on social media, Angela shares how her experiences shaped her brand voice and leadership.

Listen as we talk about:

• How Angela helps women increase their income by 30 to 100% using the "Power Four" method.
• Embracing your unique story, mission, and solution and how sharing these three key elements on social media can connect you with your audience and lead to authentic
• The challenges of being seen and heard on social media. Navigating the self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and fears that may hinder your growth as a leader in your industry.
• The importance of women’s voices to be heard more.


Ready to speak powerfully, be heard, and sell your offer in just 6 seconds?
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Angela Jackson: @itsangelajackson
Free guide: https://www.itsangelajackson.com/summersalesseries

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Katherine Beck  
Angela, welcome to the podcast. I'm so excited to speak with you today.

Angela Jackson
Thank you so much, Katherine. I'm happy to be here.

Katherine Beck  
So why don't we first off start by telling the audience a little bit about who you are, who you help and how you help them?

Angela Jackson
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. I'm Angela Jackson, and I help women to monetize their businesses on Instagram on the Instagram sales coach. So I help women to increase their income by 30 to 100% without doing real estate. I love that. Yeah. And I do that through a method that I called the Power Four. So what I use is Mindset, Strategy, Money, and Alignment. Make sure that we come up with a complete plan for you to monetize on Instagram.

Katherine Beck  
That sounds really amazing and super helpful to so many people who struggle with Instagram and getting seen. So how did you come about doing this?

Angela Jackson
Good, good question. Well, what happened was I actually during the pandemic, I lost my job in a two-sentence email, I had a full-time job and I kind of had I was doing makeup online. It's kind of like a side thing. And then when I lost my job, and a two-sentence email said, oh, boy, I better think about making this something that's real and making a livable income. And so along with losing my job, I also had gotten into a car accident and the car ran the light, a red light, T-boned our car, our car, and my rotator cuff got torn. So being on Instagram as a makeup artist was no longer an option because I couldn't use my left arm for some time due to surgery and physical therapy. So with those two things, combined, I said, Well, let me see what am I going to do in order to grow on Instagram? So I pivoted my business and I went from makeup to actually being a business sales coach, because so many people had saw my makeup business grow. And they were asking, you know, what's going on? What are you doing? How are you selling out your makeup classes? You know, what strategies are used to sell on Instagram. And so I created my first group program, it has been, I guess you can say the rest is history because I felt so in love with that I couldn't use my arm. But I ended up opening up a new door. And it ended up being just a new path for me in my my journey. And it's been such a amazing thing. So I started off doing group programs on on business and being on Instagram. And that just has continued. Now it's a one on one coaching and still programs.

Katherine Beck  
Wow. That's an incredible story. Yeah, amazing how things can shift as well.

Angela Jackson
Yes. In the matter of the email. One email changed your whole life.

Katherine Beck 
And if you hadn't gotten that email, do you think you would still be in that same job? Same position?

Angela Jackson
Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I think so I would have stayed as long as possible. My husband and I, we had already kind of had plans of wanting to leave the country and move out the country. So it was kind of up in the air to stay at the job. But you know, just kind of staying there as long as possible. However, when I lost my job, and then my husband was no longer able to work at his because of the pandemic as well. We were both free. And so you know, we kind of went and got more jobs and other, you know, nine to five, that sort of thing. But we said, hey, what are we going to do? That's northern Mexico. I love it. Yeah. And so that's actually what happened. We ended up just getting a one way ticket to Mexico. And we've been here ever since we've been here a little over two years, living in Mexico, and we just absolutely love it. We live around the corner from the Caribbean Sea. So it's amazing down here.

Katherine Beck 
Sounds amazing and beautiful. Well, you know, I live in in Sydney, Australia. And I think it's so cool. Being an online entrepreneur where we do have the ability to live anywhere in the world, around the world and serve our audience. I'm curious to know, where is most of your audience? is most of your audience in the US or do you find yourself now branching out into other countries? What is your clientele look like?

Angela Jackson
Yeah, so my clientele base this start in the United States. However, what I'm realizing after I just did my last training, I'm like Like, whoa, some of these women are from other places from around the world. So just recently, it seems like my clientele has kind of grown more internationally. Yeah. Mm hmm.

Katherine Beck 
And that's, you know, I think what fascinates me is we when we first start out, and we're looking to to scale or play on a bigger level, you know, we start small, we start locally, even though we're on the the internet, we're still thinking kind of locally about our online business. And there's this beautiful thing that shifts when you start to expand into other countries, and you realize, Wow, there's so many more, for example, and you know, women in your space that, that need the help and support and the guidance and the knowledge that you have.

Angela Jackson
Yeah, and one other thing, too, that is so interesting is how the brand voice has to change, you start to talk about, you start off locally, speaking in a certain way. And then once you start to branch out more internationally, or just even outside of your local area, your brand voice kind of has to match the new group of people that you've come into contact with. And so sometimes, the way you talk before, it's not the way you talk now, because you have to I was I was thinking we were talking about this too. Not too long ago, you have to create a message that's more universal.

Katherine Beck 
That's right. Yeah. Yeah. And that is such a beautiful awakening when you get to that point. And you can recognize that your message is evolving, and it's opening up on a much greater scale, which means that ripple effect that that thing that you do, has a greater effect on the world can can outreach and help someone who's halfway around the world from you is incredible.

Angela Jackson
Yeah, it's so much fun. Um, I've gotten messages from women from the UK, quite a bit. And I mean, it's amazing. They're like, wow, you know, I'm sorry that I can't attend your trainings because I'm all the way on the other side of the world. But I hear you, I see you, and thank you, you know, and it's just like, wow, it's a it's a huge awakening like you mentioned, and also at the same time, a responsibility because you realize, whoa, people are really listening to me, like, my message is important. My voice is important. What I have to say is important, and I'm creating an impact that is bigger than I am. And it's just an amazing thing. So much fun so much. And it's so much fun. 

Katherine Beck 
You know, and we were talking prior to the interview, as well, of how important it is, I think also globally now for us as female entrepreneurs to be raising our voice and speaking up to make a greater impact in the world. How have you noticed that for yourself? And how have you noticed that by you doing that has impacted others in your community?

Angela Jackson
Well, what I find is I'm especially dealing with social media, for many, it can be very daunting. Of course, as humans, we're used to the human-to-human contact humans a human connection. However, when you run an online business, you have to speak in a very different way, because it's not huge. It is human-to-human, but it's not face-to-face, right? It's over zoom. It's over whatever social media platform you're on. And what I'm finding is that my voice becomes louder. And the reason why it becomes louder is so that I can be heard. And I know that there are so many women who have the tendency that when they are on social media or in crowds of people, they want to hide in the shadows. They don't want to be noticed. And a lot of that just has to do with culture, sometimes in just making women feel like they shouldn't speak up that their voices shouldn't be heard that they should be more silent, and that's just absolutely not true. And so social media, it helps my voice to become louder and how that has helped other women is really because it teaches them to speak loudly to someone If you're on any type of social media platform, your brand voice is what impacts other people. And so if you're hiding, and no one hears what you're doing or hears what you're selling, or the transformation or impact that you can make in their life, then you're doing a disservice to them, you're doing a disservice to yourself. And so I really encourage my clients to speak up, let your voice be heard. And don't be afraid of all of them. The limiting beliefs I was maybe say, or mindset, things that may come up that make you feel insecure, or uncomfortable, or maybe you feel like people are judging you, or looking at you in a certain way. And it's like, you know what, none of that matters. The one thing that matters is the message that you have to share. So share that message, regardless to if someone says something, right. Or if you feel that others aren't paying attention, you just keep speaking, you make your and let your voice be heard.

Katherine Beck  
Oh, that is so good. That is so good. It's so true. And it's still to this day shocks me that there are so many who allow themselves to be to go unseen, to be on heard. Yeah. And they've got these amazing gifts, expertise, knowledge. You know, I call call them, the your industry's best kept secret. Yeah, because of this fear of luck, we live in a different world, you know, where social media is a very big part of, you know, business. And we got to learn how to play the game, and, you know, be seen and be heard, and it can be one of the most confronting things, I think, you know, the, if it gives anyone comfort is that we all go through it to a certain degree, you know, you don't start on social media with confidence and ease, it is a learning curve. So what how do you help your clients navigate through that I know, you mentioned, the core for the mindset. So is that a big part of what you do is to to help them gain the confidence to to get hurt and get seen online?

Angela Jackson
Yeah. So as we know, a lot of what happens, what we go through now happens because of maybe something in the past, right, that causes you to presently act in a certain way. And so when I sit with my clients, we talk about the past, because we have to kind of delve into it a little bit. However, what's more important is not the path, but progression. And so when, when we're talking, it's so important that they feel protected, that they feel safe, just providing that safety net can talk about it, and then also helping them to kind of learn how to regulate their own nervous system. So I have a client actually was with her today, and very, very shy about sharing her voice, you know, doesn't want to go live doesn't want to pose, there's a little bit of hesitancy there. And this is because she doesn't want people to question what she's doing or how she's doing it, or how well her business is, she wants to hide in the shadows.

And so we're, you know, over and over, were talking about that, and massaging, you know, massaging that mind of hers and letting her know, like, hey, whatever happened in your face now, whatever people said back then doesn't apply to you now, you're not the same person, you're different. And even in 2023, it's okay for women's voices to be heard more and more women are speaking up being more assertive, you know, and just letting my clients know that, hey, it's okay. You know, and not forcing them to do a whole lot at one time. And I'm sure you do this too, with your client. You know, when it comes to your voice training and that sort of thing. Taking little baby steps so that they start to progressively start to feel okay being seen, and in a way that it doesn't trigger their nervous system.

Katherine Beck 
Yeah, totally. I call it. One of the first things I do with my students is I call it your voice story uncovering that old story that's attached Just to your voice, and is holding you back where your voice does not match your brand, it does not represent who you are today. And when we can release that voice story, then we can step into our new story and speak from that place. And it's very empowering for them. And until we can get to that, it's, it's it is it's hard, it's very confronting to be able to put yourself out there, I get a lot of also, I don't like the sound of my voice, well, why don't you like the sound of your voice? I don't know. They don't know what they don't like about it, they just know that they don't like it. And it is attached to that, you know, fear of judgment or fear of being seen fear of being heard fear of playing big fear that they will be told that they are not the expert, there's so much fear that is holding people back. And we don't even know where it's coming from, we don't even know sometimes know what that core belief is.

Angela Jackson
Yeah. And the reason is, because a lot of times, women are walking around on default. And so whatever that belief that has been buried so far within their minds, that they don't even remember where it started, why it started, or how it began. And so that's why it is really important to investigate it. Right? Investigate when you don't want to share your story. And when you don't want your verse voice to be heard, when you want to hot when you would rather high. It's so important to investigate. Why are those? Why are these fillings coming up? You know, where did they come from? And then, okay, what do I need to do to try to overcome them, or at least work through them? Sometimes, you know, things happen in people's lives that just can't be erased or undone. However, it's like, okay, how can I continue to work through this? How can I still be seen, and at the same time, have these feelings within me a fear? Yeah.

Katherine Beck 
It's so important. And, you know, being an online entrepreneur, it really brings up all of your stuff that you know, that you had, yeah. When did you go work through it? It is the most incredible experience, because it affects all aspects of your life. And, you know, it's, it's not for everyone, but those that travel through, and then work through the inner work. The all that you had ever hoped to achieve and dreamed was impossible. is on the other side.

Angela Jackson
Absolutely. So good. So the

Katherine Beck  
so what I'd be curious to know, what was that experience for you? Like, was there an Angela, back in the past that never saw what you would be doing today? Or that hoped that there was a different possibility, but you couldn't quite see that path? What would you tell that old Angela today? Whoa, well,

Angela Jackson
one thing is, I wish I had to start it earlier. I wish I hadn't started earlier. But of course, we didn't know to start earlier. They know to start earlier, but I for sure if I could go back I would tell the older version, the younger version of me, I should say. Yes. Yeah, go ahead and get started. Let's go. Let's get this ball rolling. You know, that sort of thing. What about you? 

Katherine Beck
Oh, this is a tough one. Because recently, I would say I probably uncovered what was holding me back and I didn't realize that it was affecting all areas of my life in my business and that I was wanting to play small. Hmm. And so I would tell that younger version of me that it's okay to play bake. It's okay to, you know, be seen and be heard. Mm hmm.

Angela Jackson
I love that. I love that. And really, that is being seen and being heard is the first couple of steps to Leadership

Katherine Beck 

Angela Jackson
Right. So I like to think that when you are thinking when you are heard when you are telling and sharing your story, you are on your path to becoming a leader.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah, yeah, you can't be the guide, you can't be the leader until you've walked the path.

Angela Jackson
Yeah, you definitely become the leader like in the journey of by showing up by telling your story. No one is born the leader; they become the leader. And the only way they become leaders by telling their story. Leaders are born because we hear their stories, and we fall in love with them. And then we want to look up to them. And then they start to be, you know, maybe a mentor in our life or a guide in our life or coach in our life. And they became the leader by telling their story. And that's why I feel like it's so important to share your story. You know, people are looking for guidance, people are looking for direction, people are looking for connection, especially now, right. And so by telling your story, you can kind of take on a leadership role.

Katherine Beck  
Definitely. This has been such a powerful conversation and an important conversation, I think, for so many to listen and experience and know that what they're feeling is real and justified. And if there was any advice that you would have, for those that are just starting out, getting their feet wet in social media, and they are struggling with some of these, you know, beliefs of of wanting to be seen and heard and amplify their voice on a much greater scale by getting on social media, what would you say to them to start sharing your story. 

Angela Jackson
So there are three stories that I encourage my clients to share. And I'll encourage your audience to share to as they listen in to share your unique story. All of us have something unique about us. Because none of us have had the same experiences in life. And even if we've had similar experiences, we don't share them or articulate them in the same way, based on our personalities, and you know, things of that, that nature. So share your story, don't be afraid to share your story. And I say, share something that happened within the last three to six months, so that you can keep your story current. So share your story. Don't be afraid to do that. Share your mission, what is your mission, we all want to be a part of something we have that innate nature to, like I said, connect be a part of a community. And so when you share your mission, your mission, then you bring people into your community. Right, and you bring people into your journey. So share your mission, whatever that may be. It's such an important part of letting your voice be heard. It's by sharing, why are you here? What are you want, you know, what are you trying to change? What impact are you trying to make in the world, you know, on your on your life or your family's life, whatever that is, for example, my mission is I want women to make livable income. No longer side hustling, you know, no longer robbing Peter to pay Paul, you know, have a business that makes livable income, right is power and being able to create money on demand as a woman. You know, and the other thing I'd say is to share your unique solution. So all of our solutions to problems are very different. And sharing your solution is going to inspire and resonate with so many people. Sometimes you think that oh, it's just nothing, you know, this is something I've been doing for years. Yeah, but for other people, it's like, mind blowing. It's impactful. It's like would you just say it changed my whole life? You know, so share, share your story, share your mission and share you you your unique solution on it doesn't matter what platform you're on shared. Those three stories. And I say, look, write down three to five stories in each of those columns. And you have tons of content. So if you're on Instagram, then you can go live with the story, you can do a real with the story, you can create a post with this story. And the great thing about those stories is that they continue to evolve as you grow. So when I was a makeup artist, I told the story of me being a makeup artist becoming a makeup artist on social media. And then when I pivoted and became a coach, I started to tell the story of my journey. being let go for my job. And it's two mil, it's two sentence email. Right? Creating a coaching business. So your story never ends. And it just grows with you. And that's the amazing thing. Because people want to see it. People want to see your story. They want to hear it. They want to be a part of it.

Katherine Beck 
Okay, good. Yeah. And I've never really thought about it that way. So having those different stories and using that as almost like your content buckets that you can pull from and you Yeah, in different ways, from video content to post carousels, stories, that sort of thing.

Angela Jackson
Yeah, it makes people fall in love with you. I mean, it's the same as why we watch Netflix or any of you know, any of our favorite TV series. We fall in love with the characters. Why? Because of their story. And so people will fall in love with you, me, and whoever's listening, when you start to tell your story. So good.

Katherine Beck
Angela, this has been in so many ways, tell why. And if they would like to learn more about you and you, how do people get in touch with you?

Angela Jackson
Yeah, absolutely. So I'm on Instagram, at. It's Angela Jackson, you can find me on Instagram. And you know what, what I'll do for your audience, Katherine is, if you have a story that you're shy about sharing, send me a DM. And I'll help you get that story out. We'll create some content, we'll create a couple of stories together so that you can get your voice out there so your message can be heard, and so that you can impact the world. That's what I do for your audience.

Katherine Beck  
It's so beautiful. Yeah. I love it. Thank you so much. And it's so incredible, you know, when I have these conversations with people on the internet, on the internet on the podcast will be

Angela Jackson
Yeah, no, no, I get it. Totally. Totally.

Katherine Beck
It's so interesting how we all teach different things. And yet, you know, the principles behind it are are all the same. You know, we're talking about connection and, you know, finding your voice and, you know, speaking to others, and creating that ripple effect and what you do, it's, it's all connected. Yeah, so good. So good. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast. It's been so great to chat with you and get to know you better and what you do. Everyone makes sure and go check out Angela and send her a DM.

Angela Jackson
Oh, yeah. I'll be happy to help you with your story. Thank you so much, Katherine, for having me. This is an honor to be here to be with your audience. And thank you for spending time with me as well. I really enjoy it. You know.

Katherine Beck 
Thanks so much.

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