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July 24, 2023

Master your Mindset on Building Your Business

Master your Mindset on Building Your Business

What separates the top Entrepreneurs from the struggling Entrepreneurs often comes down to one thing: mindset.

In today’s episode, Kathi Reuter, online entrepreneur, podcast host, and a stay-at-home mom, shares her journey of finding her success from shifting her mindset and how she’s helping other entrepreneurs overcome roadblocks to find success.

Listen as we talk about:

• Katherine's journey from stay-at-home mom to successful online entrepreneur
• Overcoming self-doubt and roadblocks in business and using them as fuel for growth
• Using energy in attracting what you want in business
• Embracing a growth mindset and being prepared to pivot in the face of challenges
• Identifying and overcoming common limiting beliefs


Kathi Reuter: https://www.instagram.com/katherinereuter/

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Katherine Beck 
Welcome to the podcast, Katherine. Love your name.

Kathi Reuter,
Oh, yes, I know. I love yours too.

Katherine Beck 
So do you go by Katherine or Kathy or Kate? Or what do you go by? 

Kathi Reuter,
I go by I go by Kathi.  But I do actually have a lot of people that say call me Kath. So yeah, fake cat just not Katie.

Katherine Beck 
Yes, I agree.

Kathi Reuter,
Please, no.

Katherine Beck 
Well, I'm really excited to talk to you. Would you want to start off by just letting our listeners know who you are? What you're about what you do?

Kathi Reuter,
Yeah, definitely. So I'm a mom. And I have three little kids. I live in Florida. And I am the host of the do life big podcast. I also have two online businesses. The first one I started about nine years ago as a way to be able to stay at home with my little babies, instead of having to return to my teaching career. That's a health and fitness business. And then over the last year was when I launched my new life big podcast and created my signature programme called the mindset accelerator, which is designed for online entrepreneurs who are at that minimum, the three-month, you know, plateau in their income, and they're looking to break through to get that six-figure and beyond level. And so that's what I'm doing. My three little kids are ages 10, nine and three and a half. And they are keeping me on my toes.

Katherine Beck   
Yeah, definitely. Wow. And it is that juggling between kid life and entrepreneurial life and having two separate businesses as well. I can relate to that. It's a lot.

Kathi Reuter
It is. And uh, you know, I always I think, though back to, you know, when I used to be a teacher, and how it's just, it's so structured, and your time really isn't your time, and I never, ever saw myself going down this entrepreneurial path ever, you know what I mean? And now that I'm in it, you know, and I've been in it for, you know, nine and a half years, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, you have so much more freedom. You know, your time during the day is your time, you can work your business when you want to work it. And I remember when I first had kids, I was like, shoot am I going to have to choose between like being a stay at home mom and going back to work. Like there's got to be another way. And luckily, that's when I heard about, you know, just becoming an online entrepreneur with the health and fitness industry. And it was great because I was able to be at home with the kids every day and do the whole mom thing. And then at night or during nap time. I could be like the mom boss, you know, getting it done. And I love it.

Katherine Beck  
Okay, interesting. So becoming a parent sparked that curiosity, and becoming an entrepreneur then.

Kathi Reuter,
Exactly, yeah, what ended up happening? Honestly, you know, this is how I live, right? I live in this little lala land, sometimes we're back in the day before I had kids. I was like, You know what, when I have kids, I'm just gonna stop my teaching career, I'm going to just be a stay at home mom, and I'm never going to do anything forever. And, you know, I quickly realised how expensive it was to have children. And you know, I was tutoring most nights of the week, my husband was working his job he had, he's the one who actually went to school to get his MBA and entrepreneurship. So he had run several side businesses. And we had depleted our entire savings account living off of one income. So I could be home with my two little kids. It was over like about a two year period, I want to say, and racked up almost like $40,000 in credit card debt. And we were really back against the wall. And my husband was like, You're gonna have to go back to teach. If you don't find a way to make money here. Like we're doing all that we can. It's not working. And that's what sparked my interest about, you know, becoming an online entrepreneur. I was like, it's all in baby. There's no Plan B, there's no let's dip the toe in the water and like, see if this works out. It's going and we're going all in and it is going to work. So mindset peace, you know?

Katherine Beck  
Yeah. Well, that's what I'm curious about. So was there any doubts at any stage of the way once you committed to it?

Speaker 2  4:14  
Well, it was really funny. So what's funny about this whole situation is that if you had written down everything, like before I got started on paper, it would have looked like this girl doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding at this business. You know, I, it was a health and fitness business. And I was like, almost 40 pounds overweight. You know, I had no money. I felt like I had no time because I had a four month old and a 22 month old at home. And I also had a sceptical husband who was like, this is never gonna work. And so on paper, I had all this down, but I'm kind of that person when you know, when there's a problem. I need the solution. And as soon as I find it, I just put my blinders on and I go for it. And so there was no doubt in my mind when I started and honestly, I'm the type of person to who, you know, when you tell me that I can't do something. I actually like that because I use it as fuel. And I just makes me want to prove people wrong and just say, I'm going to do this. So there was no doubt when I first started that I was like, this is happening. You like that too? 

Katherine Beck  
Totally, I'm like, the name Yuma. And once again,

Kathi Reuter
we're so lucky to have that because you know how many people would just cower down? I mean, come on, you know, a husband who didn't believe it work out like all these things against me. And I'm like, really? I'm going to show you what's up.

Katherine Beck  
That's it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it's so interesting. Because there's, I can think of so many instances in the past where somebody has said, No, you can't do this, or you're not gonna succeed, or, you know, you've had a quote, unquote, fail, you should give up. And there's always been this little voice in my head saying, No, I will, I will not be defeated. I will not be.

Kathi Reuter
Exactly. And you know, it's funny, because, you know, when I started that business, I had only wanted to come into it to just earn a couple $100 a week just to keep us afloat, it was not going to be anything life-changing, I didn't have any big vision goal, it was nothing like that I didn't, didn't realise really what my potential was, until I started to see it get going. But I had very fast success that first year and was able to go on and build a really successful business. And about at the two and a half year mark, or two year mark was when I started to all of a sudden, hit the roadblocks in business that I didn't know, happened, when you own your own business, like I was just straight line to success. You know, that little chart where it shows like that whole thing with a little scribble up to like, I was like, I'm unstoppable, nothing's gonna get in my way. Well, come on. That's not reality, right? It's business. And I started hitting these roadblocks, and just different things started to happen in my business. And that's actually when I started to get that little bit of self doubt. And I started to get in my own head with those limiting beliefs. And I started to look at the little road bumps and failures that I was going through in my business, which weren't even really failures. At the time, I didn't realise it, I started to make those failures mean that I was the failure, and that I didn't really have what it took to really go to the level that I wanted to go to. And I remained stuck at that level there for a solid like two and a half years, even though I was showing up and working my business and doing the personal development and doing all the things on paper, right? That it would make it look like oh, why don't understand why her business like is plateaued right now. And this is how I kind of got into the whole, like reprogramming the way that you think and talk to yourself and having empowering beliefs. So that way, you can really reach your full potential. And it wasn't until I learned that that I was able to break through that. It was a long, two and a half year period.

Katherine Beck  
Wow. Yeah. And yeah, it is amazing when you work for yourself in this space, that it does bring up your stuff to stuff that you didn't even know that you had. And then he kind of hit those plateaus are those like roadblocks, as you say that you can't quite get past. And it's almost like you don't even know what it is the thing that's holding you back, but something's holding you back. And you're just kind of like stuck. And just like on this, like repeat of doing the same actions and doing the same behaviours over and over again. And the more you want it not to be that it's almost like, the more you keep projecting the same outcome.

Kathi Reuter
Oh, my gosh, it's so true. I know. And it's like, you know, once you start to get that thought in your mind, you know, that little bit, just even the slightest bit of self doubt. I mean, it affects everything, it affects your energy, it affects the way that you show up with your enthusiasm and excitement for your business. And are you coming at it with, you know, from a place of inspiration and motivation? Are you more just going through the motions now, you know, trying to do all these different things to get it to work. And, you know, you just stay stuck there until you learn what you need to learn to be able to grow into that next level. I think, you know, going through that, you know, back then it really taught me that, hey, all these things are here for lessons for you to learn. And, you know, hitting those road bumps and those failures along the way is far more important than the successes by far.

Katherine Beck 
Yeah, most definitely. Yeah. So how then have you used that as fuel for the fire or to, you know, Ignite you to that next level?

Kathi Reuter
Yeah. Well, I think it's with just any idea that I have now, you know, like, for example, when I started the podcast, this is fairly new. I started it last August, all of a sudden, yeah, like this whole idea to be able to help other online entrepreneurs. You Just I had been thinking about actually for about, you know, two, two and a half years, people would always come to me and ask me, like, how did you do what you did while raising kids? And, you know, how did you have that success? And how did you work through it. And then finally, I was like, you know, maybe I should make a shift here, even though this is really comfortable being in this business with you know, I, there was passive income coming in, and all of that, which was great, but it wasn't like, it really wasn't filling my cup the way that it used to. Right. And I really love teaching and talking with people and things like that. And so I think just, you know, from the outside looking in, people would say, like, why would you do that, like, that's kind of stupid to stop this to make the shift. And so just using that as fuel to be like, see, you can start new things, it doesn't matter how successful you are, like, if you have an idea, you know, on your heart, or there's this little pull for you to do something, you should just do it. And so that's when I was like, You know what, that's it, I'm going to start a podcast, and I'm gonna name it do life big, because we're gonna go all out, and I'm gonna create this programme, and I just went with it. And so, you know, I just any idea that I have I just go with it, even though people might say, that's kind of crazy to do that, like, just keep doing what you're doing. It's comfortable. It's cosy, you know, stick with the routine things? Well, it's easy to do that. But what fun is not right? I mean, you want to be excited. And you want to enjoy, you know what you do, and really love it and feel like it fills your cup. And you're going to like all the parts of it, obviously, no one does. But as an overall, you should really enjoy and love what you do.

Katherine Beck 
Yeah, definitely. And so, you know, with the the mindset element of what you do, it always intrigues me, because very early on, when I started coaching, I noticed because I come from, you know, doing voice, that there was such a interesting connection between the mind and the voice. And I particularly noticed it actually when I moved from the US to Australia, and I was looking at how people communicate, and how we receive information, and what attracts people to us, versus what repels us. And I could see that there was a difference in communication when I was in the US versus in Australia. And I found it so fascinating. And I started to notice that it was related to the mind in how we think, is transmitted to how we speak. So from your perspective, I'm curious to notice what your observations per chance might be to that.

Kathi Reuter
Yeah, well, it's interesting, because it is true, it's your mind is totally related to your voice and what you're going to say and how you say it. And I mean, I think we can all think of people who, when you meet them face to face, right? Like, think of somebody that you know, and you meet them, and you're talking with them be that person who has all that energy, and you're around them, and you can just feel it, when they have that confidence, right? And they have that excitement and that enthusiasm for life and what's going on, like, you just want to be around them, you know, they're that kind of person where you say, oh, my gosh, how are you like this? Like, if you could just give me just a little bit of what you got? That would be amazing, right? And it's because they have that it's a solid, confident belief in themselves with their mindset. And so they are just able to show up 100% as their authentic self, there's nothing holding them back. They're not thinking about, well, if I say this, you know, what's this person going to say next, they don't even perceive like a negative outcome at all, it's kind of like a little bit of the law of attraction there, right? Like, they go into every single conversation or whatever it is that they're saying and doing. Imagining best case situation, you know, like anything other than that doesn't even exist as a reality in their mind. And so, versus the person who is a little bit more reserved, right, and, you know, is kind of a little hesitant to speak up, right? They kind of have a little bit of a way about them. And you're just always kind of feeling like you're held back a little bit. You can't really be yourself, if your mindset is not solid, because you're always thinking about what what's going to happen next. If I say this, you know, so you can you can tell a huge difference.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, for sure. It makes me think of like, people who have that, you know, X factor that like something special that makes them sparkle and shine. And what what did what is it about them that, you know, attracts people is they exude confidence. And so then, like, what is their state of mind? Like, if we look at someone like Taylor Swift who is everywhere right now, because she's, I know, concerts right? And she's got, I think I saw this clip or I heard that, you know, she has is sold out show, but then she had like another 20,000 people outside in the parking lot listening to her perform. So I think it was like, almost was between 80 to 90,000 people.

Kathi Reuter
Oh my gosh, that is incredible, isn't

Katherine Beck  
it? ratable. So what is it about her? And what she exudes that people are so attracted to? Like, what would you think her state of mind would be?

Kathi Reuter
Oh my god, well, and it's all energy to, you know, like, she she is like, she is just herself, like she is showing up as herself, singing all out with all that confidence and all the energy and honestly, for to me, everything is energy. It's all energy. People are attracted to that, you know, people, if they can feel your energy that's coming from your confidence, right? Like, you're not just gonna all of a sudden just get confidence, right? You have to practice it. And the more you do it, the more confident you get, the more energy you have, the more excitement you have. And people are just drawn to that. They want to be a part of that. And so that's that's what it is with her for sure. Sheesh, I wish I could have gone to her recent show, though.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah, I've been seeing clips where she performed in the rain. And I think that it was a three hour delay because of thunderstorm warnings or something like that. I think she got on stage maybe like around 11 o'clock. She finished at 230 in the morning, pouring down rain the entire time. I mean, that is a true professional, right.

Like, what would you think her state of mind would be?

Kathi ReuterOh, yeah, that's dedication right there. She is an incredible performer. I did see her once about five years ago. And it was probably one of the best concerts I've ever seen. It was it was incredible. It was like watching a show. Yeah. Yeah, that's it was it was amazing. It was so much to it like it wasn't just her. Yeah, exactly. It was an experience. It wasn't just her singing the songs. It was the whole thing. Everything.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah. And there's out of this world relationship that she has with her audience. It's really enacting. We call it the fourth wall, she breaks down the fourth wall. It's that invisible wall between you and the audience. She really knocks it down and pulls them in and talks to them and brings them in and invites them into her world and does create an environment that is exciting and magnetic. And you can see that it's genuine coming from Oh, yeah. Which is Oh, yeah, I think is what people are drawn to. But you mentioned specially nowadays. Totally. Yeah, I think so people

Like, what would you think her state of mind would be?

Kathi Reuter
just want to see the real. They just want to see real like reality. They don't want to see anything fake. They want real like, show me the mess. Show me the disaster. Show me the crap you got going on? Just be real about it. And that's what's relatable. Yeah, totally not perfection, you know?

Katherine Beck  
No, no, perfect. I think that is it's also a state of mind, isn't it? Like?

Like, what would you think her state of mind would be?

Kathi Reuter
It is? And that's also that also can be a limiting belief, too, you know? And yeah, and that can, that can holds a lot of people back, you know, because no one's perfect. Nothing's perfect. And if you always, you know, if you always approach things, thinking that it's going to be perfect, or you're always waiting until it's all figured out and perfect until you get started. You're never going to start like you have to just get started. And take that imperfect action and learn as you go.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah, so important, because I do hear that from a lot of my students, they'll say, oh, I don't want to reinforce bad habits. So they're afraid to take that first step for fear that they'll do it wrong.

Kathi Reuter
Yeah, see, but that's okay. I think that's, that's the other thing too, is that people are so afraid to get it wrong and to mess up. And you have to be okay, being a beginner. And you have to be okay, messing up. And you need to know that there's no way around it, like you're gonna mess up, you're gonna actually mess up a tonne. But the more that you mess up, you should actually welcome more of those mess ups. Because the more that you mess up, the more you learn, and the more you can grow. And that's how you grow into your full potential as a person, not by sitting back, like, I can't do it.

Katherine Beck 
You have to go through that journey to get to your full potential.

Kathi Reuter
You do and it is a journey. Don't we know that?

Katherine Beck  
Is there a way to shortcut the journey like people have a shorter journey than others?

Kathi Reuter
Oh, no. It's definitely a journey worth taking. I'll tell you. There is no other journey I'd rather go on to be honest. It can be very bumpy though. Like, oh, it can be extremely bumpy. But it's so worth it. It's worth it though.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah, no, it definitely is worth it. But it's it's fascinating. Once you dive into it, and you're in it, you're like, Man, you hit it. Well Oh P Oh, gosh, it is true. The like the craziest roller coaster ride right now.

Kathi Reuter
I am too I'm on a crazy roller coaster ride too. And you're you, you have these ideas, like I said, like, can you have these ideas to start doing, you know, start these certain things or you, you know, maybe want to start that new business or you want to move on to the next thing or whatever it is. And you kind of have this idea in your mind of how you think it's going to go, you know, it's kind of like, if you're gonna go to deliver a baby, you have this whole idea of like, how you think it's going to go, you prepare, and then at the end of the day, you end up having a C section, right? It's like you start this new business, you have this great idea of how you think it's going to go and then you get into and you're like, Whoa, I didn't think it would be like this.

Katherine Beck  
So is that when people generally find you like they're in it, and they know that they need to shift something, but they don't know where to turn? Yeah, exactly.

Kathi Reuter
Like people are already in it, they have already generated some income. And they have been working like they're working, they're feeling burnt out, they're doing the trainings, they're going to different seminars, they're listening to personal development, or podcasts all the time, all the time, excuse me, and they're doing all the work and going through all the motions, but nothing is changing, and it doesn't make sense, and they're not quitters, because they don't believe in quitting, and they want to figure it out. And they have really big dreams for their life. And that's where they know I must be having something, it's it's internally, because at the end of the day, it's your thoughts that create your reality around you. It's not the actions that you're taking, if you don't have that growth mindset, and you don't have that positive mindset with, you know, beliefs that are surrounded around success, then you can take all the action in the world, you're not going to get the results that you want to get. And so that's why, you know, a lot of times like in the online space, especially even the way that I was taught, when I first started years ago, it was all about, if you just work more, if you just work longer, if you just work harder, if you just 10x, everything that you're doing, then you'll eventually build the six figure and beyond business that you want, or whatever level it is that you want to get to. But it's just simply not true. It's the other way around, you should actually be starting with the your mindset piece first. Because once you have that grounded and solid, then you can take the action and get the results that you want a heck of a lot quicker. Without that piece, like you can't have one without the other without the mindset piece. I mean, you'll be stuck like I was for two and a half years. plateaued, burnt out exhausted.

Katherine Beck 
Yeah. So it's so interesting how our entrepreneurial journeys can evolve based on our circumstances and our experiences. So I'm gathering that it was that two and a half years and then coming out of it the other end that propelled you in saying, hey, I want to help others with this as well. So yeah, so hard.

Kathi Reuter
Yeah, that's exactly what it was. I went through that. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I have to be able to help other online entrepreneurs so that they don't go through this long plateau like I did, I don't want anybody to have to ever go through that again. And that's where the idea started to originate from. But I kind of had the idea in the back of my mind for a couple of years. And I just kind of sat on it. Because like I said it was more comfortable to just keep doing, you know, the first business that I had been doing. Yeah, but that's not really what I wanted to do long term. And so it was me just saying, You know what? Well, it's like that, quote, right? Good to give up the good for the great. I was like, we need to just move on to the next thing here. I'm ready to pivot.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah, so was it a pretty clean pivot? Were you like, no, okay. change my mind? Well, living in this Yeah. I mean,

Kathi Reuter
Yeah, you know, it's, it's really funny, because, you know, I had it in the back of my mind, like, I really just want to create a programme, I really want to be able to help, you know, other entrepreneurs and people are coming to me all the time. Anyways, I've already been through it, I know what to do. I know how to teach it to others. Now, you know, I know how to help the person who's brand new business, build a six figure income in their first year in it. But I also know how to teach somebody how to break a plateau, if they're stuck at that level as well and get to the, to the next level in their business. And so I was putting it off, putting it off putting it off. And I was actually listening to I had been listening to James podcast for about four and a half years.

Katherine Beck  
Well, let me explain to the listeners who James is. Oh, so

Kathi Reuter
James Wedmore, our business mentor from business by the business by design. And what he has that podcast, the mind your business podcast, and we had been my husband and I had been listening to his podcast for a good four and a half years. And he would always talk about business by design. Once a year he would talk about this course that he had, and we would never pay any attention to it. And then finally, I made the decision last year, like I don't know when he launched it beginning of June, but it was literally that week I said to my husband, that's it. I drew the line in the sand. I'm doing this thing sorry. The podcast, I'm creating the programme, we're going all out with this. And he was like, Oh my gosh, well, then well, you have to be able to sign up for this programme then with James Wedmore, because he's the guru in this. But he only launches it once a year, Kathy. And I'm like, what? And the next thing he knows, like three days later, he launched it. And that's when I was like, Well, this was a sign. I was supposed to do this now. Because what are the chances of that? Right? And then I just started it. Yeah, I know, timing is everything.

Katherine Beck  Yeah, and you've got to be, you've got to have that mindset, you got to be ready for it, as well.

Kathi Reuter
Yep, you do. And just, you know, just always imagining best case situation, no matter how long it takes. And I think just being prepared for the road bumps and being prepared for the times where it's not going to go as planned doesn't mean that you're not meant to do this, it doesn't mean that you're not going to be the successful entrepreneur that you had envisioned. It's just this is the journey, and you're gonna go through it just like every other successful entrepreneur does. And you're going to eventually get there. You're going to come out on the other side, and you'll be so proud. You didn't give up.

Katherine Beck
Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah. And, and I don't know if this isn't the right word, but so brave, because pivoting can be hard. And I know I've I've pivoted, I've evolved. Now, I say I've niched up. And I, I know, I've been in conversations with quite a few entrepreneurs that are pivoting or evolving or niching. Up there, it seems to be a current trend. And I wonder, like, when I first jumped into the online space, I know when I was first learning about, you know, marketing, and all this sort of things, I was told to, you know, to niche down quite a bit, which I think is is, you know, good advice. But I wasn't thinking, and maybe you never know, with your entrepreneurial journey where it's going to take you. But you never think, Hey, I may want to branch out like, I may not just want to be known for this one very specific thing. So then what happens is you're like, Oh, the mindset comes in? Will people resonate with me? If I speak about something else? If I'm already known for fitness, what will they think if I talk about mindset? Right?

Kathi Reuter
Right, exactly. It's true. You know, I did think that to myself, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, you know, my audience is probably going to be like, What is going on? I've been following Kathy. Now for like, nine years, everything's been health and fitness and wellness. And I was always talking still about mindset, and motivation, and things like that. But I mean, it was a clear cut, you know, switch. And at the end of the day, I just said, you know, what, it's okay, I'm still bringing value, I'm adding value and the right people who are interested in this are going to follow me and are going to want to hear about this. And I have to just continue to speak to those people. Because, I mean, what I was doing before, it just wasn't really in alignment with what I wanted to do anymore. You know?

Katherine Beck 
Yeah. So did you notice a drop in your followers? Did you notice an increase? Like, what happened?

Kathi Reuter
No. So at the beginning, when I first made this shift, like last year, I did notice like, a little bit less views on my stories, primarily. But, you know, after a good like, six, seven months, you know, things have started to pick back up again, which is good, but it's all part of the, it's all part of it, you know, I'm like, You can't expect it to just blow it out of the water when you know, you're making a shift like this after doing one business for nine years. Now, you're moving on to something else? You know, it's not, it's not, it's not the same thing. You know, one's health and fitness ones. For online entrepreneurs. You know, totally different.

Katherine Beck
Totally different. Yeah. And I'm okay with it.

Kathi Reuter
I'm okay with I feel like people get really wrapped up in how fast things should take, like, I shouldn't be here by now. Like, why am I not here by now? Why am I not earning this amount of money by now? Why don't I have this amount of engagement by now but this other person, you know what I mean? And it's just, you've just got to be willing to keep at it and go a distance. You got to be willing to just take your time with it.

Katherine Beck  
So did you ever once you decided to pivot, did you ever have any doubts, like, oh, maybe I shouldn't have when you started to see people not? And not as many people look at your stories or whatever.

Kathi Reuter  
Honestly, no, because, you know, it's funny, I didn't have that at all, because when I was doing focusing primarily on that first business, I felt like it was very, you know, on autopilot like I was just going through the motions. You know, I talked to about how you know, coming at your work with a place from a place of inspiration, I didn't have that anymore. I was just more about just going through the motions going through the motions. And so it felt almost like a burden to me. Like the business felt almost like a burden to me. Like, I don't want to be doing this. But it's bringing in the income. And I've been doing it for all of this time, but this isn't, I don't I just don't want to do this anymore. You know, I'm ready to just kind of make that shift. And so once I did make that shift, and I moved away from working that business, it felt like a weight was lifted off, you know, and I was like, okay, good. You know, I don't have to deal with that anymore. Yeah, I was like, Well, I don't have to deal with that anymore. Yeah, I'm okay. With I'm okay with being a beginner and starting at the bottom of the barrel. I've done it. I've done it before. I'll do it again.

Katherine Beck  
Yeah. So what kind of people come to see you with mindset? You know, like, because in business, there could be different reasons. Like, it could be because they're pivoting or it could be because they're stuck at let's say, you know, a certain revenue level, right.

Kathi Reuter
And it's mostly I have a lot of people on the network marketing industry, oh, who have had some success, and now they're, they've just plateaued. And of course creators. So it's a combination between those two.

Katherine Beck 
So and so what are like, you know, because you you work with, you know, a lot of limiting beliefs like, Are there common ones that tend to come up for, for people in your space?

Kathi Reuter
Oh, yeah, like, there's, it's pretty much the same ones all the time. I mean, we all have limiting beliefs anyways, but it's, you know, for most of the time, it's just one or two that are on repeat, kind of keeping you right where you are, and not, you know, preventing you from where you really want to go to, but most of the time, it's, you know, I just don't really think I have what it takes. Or they say things like, you know, who am I to have such lofty goals? Like, I don't think I'm deserving and worthy of this. A lot of times, it's, I just, I just don't have the time for this, you know, they'll see somebody else having success. And they'll say, Well, you know, of course, she can have all that success. I mean, she has a nanny that's at the house full time, and I you know, I have kids, I can only work the business for X amount of time. And they kind of blame it on on their time. So there's a lot of them that come up. And I actually have a free guide that I give people. I don't know if maybe your listeners might want it, but it's just if you just go to Kathy reuter.com/think, this knot that I have about 19 of the most common limiting beliefs that online entrepreneurs think and then what you can think instead of that limiting belief, like a more empowering belief that you can think instead, because that's really where you need to start is becoming aware that you're thinking, This limited way of thinking it's keeping you there and catching it, and then just training your brain to think, more empowering thoughts, so that you can be able to move in the direction that you want to move in your business.

Katherine Beck  
Oh, I love that. That's great. Yeah, hopping in the show notes for everything. Yeah,

Kathi Reuter
I love I love that kind of stuff.

Katherine Beck 
That's good for anyone, not just anyone and entrepreneurs.

Kathi Reuter
It's so true. And I mean, I mean, they even creep in on me sometimes, you know, sometimes I get nervous to do certain things. And, you know, to go to like business events, for example, you know, you know, I went to one, you know, back in Arizona in October, and I didn't know anybody, and it was for podcasters, primarily podcasters. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I don't know anyone. Maybe I should just cancel, should I just shouldn't go. But I was just getting in my own head, you know about it. And you just get it anytime you feel like that or you feel nervous, or you find yourself giving yourself excuses as to why you can't do something or why you're not here or why you're not reaching these goals that you have for yourself. That's where you got to be like, alright, this is totally keeping me right where I am. I need to work through this year. This isn't serving me. And let's think a little differently here.

Katherine Beck  
That's awesome. Yeah. Okay. So I want to ask you for one tip before we wrap things up, because I have a lot of, you know, people who speak in public arenas, it could be live on stage, it could be like, you know, online to hundreds or 1000s of people it could be. I've got actors who are auditioning for massive roles. voiceover talent, like, you know, a very broad range of people that listen to this podcast, but use their voice in areas where they might feel nervous before they speak. And that comes from the mind. So like, What tip or advice would you give someone when they start to feel nervous and before they speak?

Kathi Reuter
So what I would do before they even get up on stage or whatever it was, is they should practice visualisation, first of all, they should practice really imagining themselves on that stage that day. So even before the event, I'm talking like the whole week before, you know, every night before they go to bed, for example, just sitting down, imagining themselves what they're going to wear, right? What their, what their hair is going to look like what they're going to have on getting up onto stage, you know, walking around how they're going to look how they're going to move with their hands and their arms and the things they're going to say and how the audience is going to react, you know, a standing ovation, right? Who knows, and just really start with the visualisation piece first. And then before you get on, you've got to get your energy up, right. So, I mean, last year music, do some jumping jacks, right. And just a lot of times when you're nervous, you're not really nervous, it can be mistaken for excitement. And so even like my kids, for example, when they say, Oh, I'm nervous, I'm like, you know, you're not nervous, you're just excited that your brain literally doesn't know the difference between excitement and being nervous. And so anytime you feel like that nervousness, you just have to say, Yeah, I'm so excited, I'm going to have such an impact, this is going to be amazing. Today, I'm gonna do phenomenal. Do the jumping jacks, jump on a trampoline, put some music on, have a coffee, and just go out there and be like, I am the bomb, this is gonna be awesome.

Katherine Beck  
I love that. It's such great advice. And I love the fact that you say to not just do it once, before, you know you speak or perform, but to do it like that whole week, every single year, because then it becomes embedded in your body. And it becomes more front of mind versus like, in the moment where you could so easily give in to the nerves. Now you're almost attaching excitement to that vision that you're creating for yourself.

Kathi Reuter
It's so true. And like even just putting like little sticky notes on your mirror with some positive self affirmations. You know, like, I'm a confident, you know, speaker or whatever it is just different things. And every morning, I read them out loud, like things like that help train your brain. And that's how you become more confident. Yeah. And then when you get out there, it's like your brain has already been thinking like this. So you're gonna be golden.

Katherine Beck  
Love it. So thank you, Kathy. I love this. And so you're welcome. I'm so glad that we had a chance to have a conversation. I know you. Well, can I share with the audience that Oh, yeah. are one of the finalists for the business by design case study of the years. We're talking about James Wedmore. And so that's exciting, because now you can use what you do prior to getting up on that big online stage. And yeah,

Kathi Reuter
I know. I'm like, wait a minute. I have to share this live. Yeah. That'd be fun. That is really exciting. Remember, I'm not nervous. I'm excited.

Katherine Beck  
You're excited. That's right. You're excited, excitement. Everybody lies. You know, visualise your way through.

Kathi Reuter
I'm gonna visualise myself getting on that plane for that one on one to Sedona with James.

Katherine Beck 
Yeah, that's awesome. Thank you for having me. You're so welcome. Now, where can people find you if they want to get in touch with you learn more about your programme and what you do?

Kathi Reuter
Yeah, so you can follow me on Instagram at Katherine Reuter, k th e r i n e r E U T R. Or you can always go to that Kathy reuter.com/think This not that. And once you put your email in for that, you'll be able to get information about my mindset accelerator programme, which opens up a couple times a year and my do life big podcasts and lots of really good motivational mindset stuff for for your life and for your business.

Katherine Beck 
Awesome. Thank you so much, Catherine. You're welcome. Kathy can for being on the podcast to Catherine's on a podcast. Oh, awesome.

Kathi Reuter
Yeah, it doesn't. I mean, this is going to be the most special episode. Sure. Well,

Katherine Beck   
Thanks so much.

Kathi Reuter
Thanks so much, Katherine. I appreciate it.

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